
Clix boxfights code
Clix boxfights code

clix boxfights code

This saves the time you would have wasted watching the round score to show and can make spending an afternoon messing around with your friends much smoother, given that you don’t have to wait for the game to restart. You also get to create your own custom loadout, although all players on the map must use the same loadout. Who could have predicted Faze Flea would end up being one of the best box fighting map makers in the entire scene? The fact that you can quickly restart a game after each round is the type of mechanic that I wish more box fight Creative maps would use and is the reason I rate Yerk’s map so highly.

clix boxfights code

I won’t lie to you, I didn’t expect much when this map first dropped, but god was I put in my place. Mechanically, the map is the same as the Clix box fight map. You spawn in with an AR, a pump, a Slurpfish, two minis, and 500 wood. However, what sets this map apart is the design of the 5x4x2 (five wide, four long, two high) arena. It has that neon aesthetic that’s come into popularity recently, but it’s not overused like it is in so many other Fortnite Creative maps. When you spawn, you get a total of six seconds to get your bearings before the fighting starts, which isn’t much. If you’re new to box fighting Creative maps, then the chaos and panic are going to mimic the feeling you get during an actual match. This map is my go-to for when I’m just messing about with some friends.

clix boxfights code

SaladrianF1’S Boxfight and Buildfight 2-in-1 It might be the fact that I’m wiping the floor with them every time, but the simplicity of the arena lends itself to that kind of casual gameplay.Ĥ. This map isn’t strictly a Fortnite box fighting map. Instead, it’s a two-in-one hybrid that features options of box fighting and for build fighting.

Clix boxfights code