TAPI Service Provider Variants For historical reasons CallBridge Collection consists of three different TAPI service providers: CallBridge IP CallBridge IP is the TAPI service provider for PC-based telephony using OpenStage DeskPhone CP, OpenStage DeskPhone IP,OpenStage HFA telephones via LAN and OpenStage 60/80 T telephones via IP-over-USB protocol.įigure: CallBridge IP with OpenStage HFA devices connected to OpenScape Business CallBridge TU CallBridge TU is a TAPI service provider for PC-based telephony using OpenStage 30/40 T telephones via a USB interface.
Supports one phone device, which has to be connected via serial COM, USB or IP interface. Operates in a phone-centric connectivity model. Supports applications written for TAPI Versions 1.3, 1.4, 2.x and 3.0. Service provider for first party telephony applications. The same applies for the support of actual Microsoft Windows Operating systems in case that a specific constellation has been released only for an older version of the Operation system. Devices and communications platforms, which are no longer part of the Unify product portfolio are not blocked within the installation and administration of CallBridge Collection, but in case of problems of any kind Unify does not give any support. Please Note: Unify supports the functionality of CallBridge Collection in combination with communication systems and devices of the current Unify product portfolio, which are released within the actual technical release note of Callbride Collection. Beneath the communication platforms and devices of the current portfolio of Unify CallBride Collection supports also older devices and platforms, which have been replaced by new models, versions or which have been phased out over the time.
Overview The CallBridge Collection is a suite of specific TS TAPI Service Providers (CorNet TS TSPs) grouped as a small powerful middleware application that provides open interfaces to implement Computer Telephony Integration ().
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OpenScape Business V1, CallBridge Collection V2.3, Installation Guide, Issue 1 - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online.